Welcome to 2.0

We are excited to officially begin work on the second iteration of the Infinicities Project. As part of the "2.0" process we are launching a new version of the website that is focused solely on the development of the procedural, parametric, iterative city design platform. Samples of previous versions of the Infinicities project will be retained in an archive section (as of time of writing you can view these in the "Remix" section of the site although this may change soon).

While the Infinicities project is viewable to all. this is very much a "working" website the main purpose of which is the support of the people working directly on the project. Therefore please forgive us if parts of the site seem "in-progress", as that is in fact very much the case.

Having said that, we would love to hear your thoughts about the work being done here, and we welcome any inquiries, or requests for information. 

Happy city building from the team at AE Superlab!